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Action Group News - February Edition

Welcome to the latest edition of ROCNI's Action Group News! 

We finally made it to February - if you feel like the ROCNI Staff, January was a long month! We had a busy start to 2025 - welcoming a new member to the team, continuing our community safety Project Can Do! programmes in two schools in North Belfast, facilitating the Fit for Life health & wellbeing session at St Michael's Church Lower Shankill, attending conferences and funding workshops, submitting funding grant applications, updating our website and planning events and programmes for the year ahead. 

Scroll down for our latest news and opportunities to get involved in ROC's work in Northern Ireland. Thank you for your continued support as we seek to 'empower people of goodwill to work together for safer, stronger communities'.


Are you interested in partnering with ROCNI on a project in 2025?!

Partnership working underlines ROC's ethos and mission. We are thankful for the many different groups who work with us whether churches, police, corporate businesses, schools or other community and voluntary groups - each bring something valuable to all our community initiatives and programmes. 

There are several opportunities to partner with us this year - would you consider hosting a ROC Compassion Project? Or partnering with us to facilitate a Project Can Do programme? Maybe your church could support local families through our ROC Mentors programme? Or would you be willing to host a fundraising activity on our behalf? 

As a charity, ROC equips and empowers people like you to make a difference in their local community. Get in touch with Keeva today to explore ways we can work together in 2025.


Over the past four months, we've enjoyed working with St Michael's Church of Ireland in the Lower Shankill to deliver health and wellbeing Project Can DO! sessions in their 'Fit for Life' programme. The bacon baps, warm welcome, chat and laughs have made Thursday mornings lots of fun. But most importantly, this fabulous  group of mums, along with their little ones, have stepped out of their comfort zones as they've explored the Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing in their lives. 

The programme concludes on Thursday 27th February with a Community Health and Wellbeing Fair, which is open to all - so do pop in if you're in the area. There will be different activities as well as a wide variety of information stands and light refreshments. We have some extra tables in our exhibition zone for any health and wellbeing groups/charities wanting to showcase their organisation - get in touch with Keeva (email for more details.


Project CAN DO! Health & Wellbeing Programme

Since 2023, ROC have facilitated five health and wellbeing themed Project Can Do programmes in Ballyclare, Larne, Newtownabbey and Shankill supporting over fifty people of all ages and backgrounds. Project Can Do! health and wellbeing community project is a comprehensive six-week programme, including five workshop sessions and one concluding event. The programme covers a range of topics aimed at enhancing community connection and personal wellbeing.

Based on the Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing, each week focuses on a different theme: Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Give to Others, and Take Notice. Participants are able to engage in a wide variety of interactive activities designed to promote mental and physical well-being, encourage continuous learning, foster a sense of community, and enhance mindfulness and present-moment awareness.

Would you be interested in running a Project Can Do Health and Wellbeing Programme in your school, church or community organisation? Get in touch with Keeva at for further details. 


Project CAN DO! Community Safety Programme

We are piloting a new Community Safety themed Project Can Do programme for parents of primary school aged children in North Belfast. Thanks to funding from the Northern Ireland Police Property Fund, we're able to facilitate the five-week programme in nine primary schools. The programme in partnership with the Neighbourhood Police Team explores various community safety topics including keeping your property safe, keeping safe online as well as keeping safe in your community. The programme is informal yet informative and helps provide up to date information and resources to parents. 

So far we have completed two programmes in Currie and Seaview Primary Schools with parents commenting that: 

'Everything explained so simple so I could understand everything even with my language barrier. Thank You.'        

'It was very educative and engaging. I now understand much better how to confidently protect my home.'        

This year, we're bringing Community Safety Project Can Do! to Ballysillan and Ligoneil Primary Schools, with availability to deliver the programme in four more schools in North Belfast and Shankill areas. If you're interested in finding out more, click on the link below or contact the ROCNI Office.


ROC Webinar Resources

Did you miss our recent ROC Webinars? Fear not, we have uploaded the masterclasses onto ROC's online shop which you can download to watch at a time to suit you. Choose from 'Building Blocks to Community Transformation' and the topical 'Using AI for fundraising' - with more Masterclass videos coming soon. 

We also have a range of helpful resources on our website to equip you and your team and churches with the skills they need for community transformation.


“Building a Lasting Legacy of Peace”

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest educational resource, “Building a Lasting Legacy of Peace”, now available in the ROC Shop! This dynamic and engaging resource pack has been carefully designed to inspire and educate young people in Key Stages 2 and 3, equipping them with essential skills and values to foster a more peaceful and cohesive society.

What Is the Legacy of Peace Resource Pack?

This innovative educational pack provides teachers and facilitators with a comprehensive toolkit to explore themes of peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and community cohesion with young learners. The materials are tailored to align with curriculum requirements for Key Stages 2 and 3, making it an invaluable asset for classrooms, youth groups, and community projects alike.

The pack includes:

  • Lesson plans and activities that are engaging, interactive, and adaptable to diverse learning environments.

  • Inspirational stories of real-life peacebuilders and their impactful work.

  • Practical exercises designed to build empathy, understanding, and collaborative problem-solving skills.

  • Creative resources to encourage reflection and critical thinking around the concept of peace.


Help us continue to make a difference in Northern Ireland!

Since May 2012, ROC have been working in communities across Northern Ireland delivering hundreds of programmes. We could not do this work without the financial support of trusts, funding bodies and all our supporters. 

We're continuing to work on how we can expand and enhance our community initiatives and do even more for the communities we work in. But we can’t do it without your continued help and support. 

There are several ways you, your church or group can help us: 

  • Donate through the link below. One-off donations or monthly support mean you can choose the option that best suits you, to help support our work.  

  • Fundraise by organising a coffee morning, sponsored walk or a supermarket bag pack. We can help you to organise and run events that bring people together in your community and help raise money for a great cause! 

  • Host a member of the ROC Team to speak about our work at your church groups or services. We are always looking for opportunities to connect with people in the community who want to learn more about us and what we do. 

If you are interested in getting involved with our work or have a fundraising idea you would like to see happen, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Fundraising Officer Amy at


Feature on our Action Group News and Social Media!

Are you and your organisation interested in featuring in our monthly Action Group News? Get in touch with us to find out how you can feature as our 'Organisation Highlight' each month!

To feature as our Organisation Highlight. Contact us at or 02890351020.

Are you an organisation based in Northern Ireland? Do you have a project you would like us to share? Then why not get in touch to be featured in our series!

To feature in our PEOPLE OF GOODWILL series. Contact us at or 02890351020.


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