Welcome to the October edition of ROCNI's Action Group News!
Each season is beautiful in its own unique way, though autumn is pretty spectacular as leaves change colour and fall. The changing of seasons creates a sense of new beginnings and opportunities, and the same could be said about ROC's work in Northern Ireland. Despite ongoing challenges, we continue to adapt to the changing needs within our communities.
In this month's edition of ROCNI Action Group News, we are excited to announce we're recruiting a new staff member for the ROCNI team as well as kickstarting new Project Can Do programmes and Winter Coat Projects.
Scroll down for our latest news and opportunities to get involved in ROC's work in Northern Ireland. Thank you for your continued support as we seek to 'empower people of goodwill to work together for safer, stronger communities'.

Join our brand new Whatsapp Community Group Chat to find out regular information about ongoing projects across Northern Ireland!

Join our team...
We are looking for a temporary full-time Fundraising Officer to support ROC’s growing work in Northern Ireland. Do you or someone you know have the skills for this new role?
Working for ROC is exciting, rewarding and full of variety. This new role is an excellent opportunity for someone with attention to detail and excellent communication skills who is exploring a fundraising career in the charitable, community and voluntary sector.
You will need to be confident and personable, with good communication and IT skills as well as a ‘can-do’ attitude and ability to get things done. The full-time role has a strategic fundraising focus with the aim of maximising financial sustainability for ROC's work in Northern Ireland as well as developing new income streams and new donors.
The post commences on 6th January 2025. We are grateful to the Rank Foundation for funding the role through the Time to Shine programme. The Fundraising Officer role is a unique opportunity to build your experience as well as grow your knowledge of fundraising, the sector and the wide range of issues affecting communities.
Interested in applying or finding out more; contact northernireland@roc.uk.com or phone 02890 351020.

Get involved in the ROC Winter Coat Project 2024!
ROC's Winter Coat Project is back! This community-driven initiative equips churches, schools, and community groups to offer practical support to those in their communities facing difficult times. Would you consider hosting a Winter Coat Project in your area?
In Northern Ireland, a warm coat is essential, yet the cost can be a significant burden on families already impacted by the ongoing cost of living crisis. Christians Against Poverty NI (CAPNI) noted in their 2022 'On The Edge' client report that '65% of their clients could not afford weather-appropriate clothing for themselves or their family.' In response, the ROC Winter Coat Project was initiated with 14 groups across Northern Ireland distributing over 3,000 coats, along with new hats, scarves, and gloves. The initiative continued into 2023, with nine groups handing out an additional 2,000 coats in local communities.
We are once again inviting community partners to host Winter Coat Projects throughout Northern Ireland. Whether it's through a community event, a pop-up shop, or simply making coats available in your church or community centre, there are numerous ways to participate.
For more information, please check out link to the Partner Information Pack below..

Project Can Do Ballyclare!
Our health and wellbeing Project Can Do programme got underway this week in Ballyclare. On Monday mornings in October, we'll explore the 'Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing' - Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Give to Others and Take Notice with guest speakers, activities and resources to help enhance community connections and personal wellbeing. There's also a warm welcome and cuppa. Project Can Do Ballyclare is a free programme and open to all living in the Greater Ballyclare area.
Join us in St John's Church of Ireland from 10am to 11.30am on Monday mornings in October. If you're in the area and interested in taking part, please register below.

Join us at our national ROC Webinar on Thursday 3rd October bringing together ROC Action Group leaders and members, Street Angels coordinators, partners and friends of ROC from across the UK.
ROC Webinar Resources
Did you miss our recent ROC Webinar? Fear not, we have uploaded the masterclasses onto ROC's online shop which you can download to watch at a time to suit you. Choose from 'Building Blocks to Community Transformation' and the topical 'Using AI for fundraising' - with more Masterclass videos coming soon.
We also have a range of helpful resources on our website to equip you and your team and churches with the skills they need for community transformation. Click here to find out more.

The last Friday of each month is 'Coffee & Connect' at the ROCNI Office (Vine Centre, 193 Crumlin Road, Belfast, BT14 7AA). It's a time set aside specifically for Action Group members, leaders, project volunteers, friends and supporters of ROC to join the team for a cuppa and chat as well as meet others connected to ROCNI.
Our next Coffee & Connect is happening on the 25th October. You will be very welcome to join us!

People of Goodwill
Are you an organisation based in Northern Ireland? Do you have a project you would like us to share? Then why not get in touch to be featured in our series!
To feature in our PEOPLE OF GOODWILL series. Contact us at benmcgurk@roc.uk.com or 02890351020

Organisation Highlight
Are you and your organisation interested in featuring in our monthly Action Group News?
Get in touch with us to find out how you can feature as our 'Organisation Highlight' each month!
Email: northernireland@roc.uk.com or 02890351020

We are very grateful for the supporters, trusts and funding bodies who have financially supported us since we launched in May 2012. Every generous gift has enabled us to grow and develop ROC's work in communities across Northern Ireland.
Like many community and voluntary sector groups, ROC has been impacted by funding budget cuts. There are a number of ways you, your church or group can help us...
Would you consider giving a one-off donation or a monthly gift to support our work here? Further details on how to make a donation, click the link below. Or could you host a fundraising event on our behalf...a coffee morning? a sponsored walk? a supermarket bag pack? Invite the ROC Team to speak about our work at your church groups or services! If you would like to get involved or have a fundraising idea, please contact the ROC Team for further details.
Finding the Peace Fund
In response to recent UK riots and protests, Redeeming Our Communities (ROC) and Welcome Churches have united to promote peace, healing, and reconciliation in affected areas. The 'Finding the Peace' partnership aims to show how love can overcome fear during these challenging times.
Together, we are launching collaborative projects that foster cross-cultural understanding and contribute to neighbourhood peace. These initiatives will include community listening, celebrations, and welcoming newcomers. As we rapidly develop the 'Finding the Peace' initiative, we seek support to help bridge divides and foster unity in our communities. Your generosity is crucial to helping more communities find lasting peace.
Gifts made to Stewardship in support of 'Finding the Peace Fund' will be split equally between ROC (roc.uk.com) and Welcome Churches (welcomechurches.org). Donor contact information will be shared with both charities, unless donors choose to support the initiative anonymously.