Your Vote Can Make a difference!
We are thrilled to announce that you can vote for ROCNI in a new fundraising campaign! We are taking part in the Benefact Group's Movement for Good fundraiser to win £1000. With your support, we can secure much needed funds to help with our School Uniform and Winter Coat Compassion projects!
How can you help:
👉 Cast your vote for ROCNI and help us create a real impact in communities across Northern Ireland this year.
👉 Every vote enables us to provide more School Uniforms, Winter Coats and other essentials for people in our communities.
🗓️ Voting is open now, so don't wait!
Last summer, we supported over 960 children across Greater Belfast with school uniform items and over 600 people received a coat at one of our Winter Coat Projects. We want to help many more in 2025.
Your nomination and/or donation will enable us to work with more churches and community organisations across Northern Ireland and to reach many more through our ROC Compassion Projects. Nominating us will only take a minute, but could make all the difference in the world for someone in our communities.
Planning for this year's school uniform projects will get underway soon, get in touch with Keeva on keevawatson@roc.uk.com if you would be interested in finding out more about hosting a ROC Compassion Project in your area.
Nominations close at midnight on 26th January, so get voting!
💡If you are interested in making your own donation to the work of ROC in Northern Ireland. Please click the link below!
Thank you for supporting our mission to support and empower people of goodwill to work together for safer stronger and kinder communities.